Water Cycle Model | |
Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students to create their own working model of the water cycle using common materials found in a science classroom. More... |
Published by B.A. Campbell, R. Kelly, C.A. Schlosser, D.R. Belvedere
High School
Experience Deep Time & Earliest Fossils | |
Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students gradually build a realistic sense of deep, geological time from familiar linear analogs, e.g. calendars and football fields. Students also learn to associate the earliest fossils of specific groups of vertebrates with the geologic time of their emergence, on the now-familiar scale of relative distances from their school. From this, students discover the pattern of gradual vertebrate emergence and how well it consistently fits vertebrate phylogeny. More... |
Published by Larry Flammer
High School
Spread of an Infectious Disease and Population Growth | |
Download Student Handout Download Teacher Notes High School Activity: A simple simulation demonstrates exponential spread of infectious disease in a population, and discussion questions develop student understanding of how human diseases spread. Additional discussion questions and a graphing activity develop an understanding of exponential and logistic population growth. More... |
Published by Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty
High School
Dragon Genetics—Principles of Mendelian Genetics | |
Download Student Handout Download Teacher Notes High School Activity: Students learn the principles of Mendelian genetics by using Popsicle sticks, each of which represents a pair of homologous chromosomes with multiple genetic traits. Pairs of students use their sets of Popsicle sticks to represent a mating and then identify the genetic makeup and phenotypic traits of the resulting baby dragon. More... |
Published by Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty
High School
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Download Lesson Plan Middle School Activity: Students will simulate transcription and translation by building a sentence “polypeptide” from words “amino acids”. Great kinesthetic and visual activity to introduce protein synthesis. All materials required for the activity are included for easy implementation. More... |
Published by Lesson Plans Inc.
Middle School
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Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students learn the chemistry behind cellular respiration by acting out the steps of oxidative respiration including glycolysis, Acetyl Co-A, Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Great kinesthetic activity. More... |
Published by Lesson Plans Inc.
High School
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Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students try to figure out how to put food molecules into a paper bag without exposing the inside of the bag. Topics covered endocytosis and phagocytosis More... |
Published by Lesson Plans Inc.
High School
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Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students learn the chemical formula for photosynthesis by acting out plant's photosynthetic process including photosystem 2, photosystem 1, and the Calvin cycle. Great visual and kinesthetic activity. More... |
Published by Lesson Plans Inc.
High School
Tree Octopus | |
Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: A website that tries to convince people that there are tree octopi. A great website to teach a lesson on how to evaluate what students read, research multiple sources when gathering data, and that when an observation does not agree with an accepted scientific theory, the observation is sometimes fraudulent. Use of the computer lab or classroom computers with Internet access is needed for students to read all about the tree octopus. More... |
Published by Wild Haggis Conservation Society
High School
Genetic Drift Activity | |
Download Lesson Plan Download Student Handout High School Activity: Students role dice and chart how a pretend worm population reproduces through many generations. This activity is easy to perform and lets students visually see how an allele frequency appears to occur randomly. 5 colored pencils and dice are required for each group of students. More... |
Published by The University of Arizona
High School
What Happens When You Eat? | |
Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: These six activities will enhance the student's knowledge of what organs aid in digestion and how digestion occurs in the human body. Students will have a more comprehensive understanding of what happens in their bodies when they eat. More... |
Published by Kelly Ludwig
High School
From Gene to Protein - Transcription and Translation | |
Download Student Handout Download Teacher Notes High School Activity: Students learn how a gene provides the instructions for making a protein, and how the gene for sickle cell hemoglobin results in sickle cell anemia. Simple paper models are used to help students learn the basic molecular biology of transcription and translation. More... |
Published by Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty
High School
Using Blood Tests to Identify Babies and Criminals | |
Download Student Handout Download Teacher Notes High School Activity: Students learn the genetics and immunology of the ABO blood type system, using simple chemicals and logical reasoning to solve a murder mystery and to determine whether two babies were switched in the hospital. More... |
Published by Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty
High School
Dragon Genetics—Independent Assortment and Gene Linkage | |
Download Student Handout Download Teacher Notes High School Activity: Students learn the principles of independent assortment and gene linkage in activities which analyze inheritance of multiple genes on the same or different chromosomes in hypothetical dragons. Students learn how these principles derive from the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization. More... |
Published by Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty
High School
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Download Lesson Plan High School Activity: Students learn about DNA nucleotides, base paring, and super coiling by building a classroom size double helix. More... |
Published by Lesson Plans Inc.
High School