Bacteria & Virus Lesson Plans
Microbiology lesson plans designed for high school, middle school, and elementary school science teachers are downloadable here. Lesson Plans Inc. offers many great science lessons. The following are a few examples. Microbiology experiments that student use stains for bacteria identification. Other microorganism labs include bacterial growth limits. A ciliate activity shows students how paramecium's eat food. Disease projects include researching different disease causing viruses, protists and bacteria. Microorganism worksheets and exam / test / quiz questions also provide help with evaluating the student's progress.
Free microorganism lesson plans include:
- Virus Types - HIV, influeneza, herpes, retrovirus, bacteriophage.
- Structure - genome, capsid, envelope, protein sheath, tail fibers.
- Lytic Cycle - virus attaches, injection of DNA, uncoating, replication, assembly, lysis.
- Lysogenic Cycle- dormant DNA, intergrated, replicated.
- Vaccines - attenuated, inactivated.
- Shape - spheres, rods, spirals.
- Gram Negative - photoautotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, chemoautotrophic bacteria, E. coli.
- Gram Positive - teichoic acid, staphylococci, staphylococci.
- Spiral - spirochetes, spirilla.
- Bacteria - archaebacteria, eubacteria, single cell organisms
- Cell Wall - peptidoglycan, pili, fagellum, capsule.
- Nucleoid - DNA, chromatin body.
- Eukaryotes - single cell, flagella, cilla, pseudopodia, nonmotile, phagocytosis.
- Giardia - flagella.
- Amoebas - pseudopodia.
- Diatoms - photosynthetic, double shells, plankton.
- Malaria - sporozoans, nonmotile, spores.
- Paramecium - cilliate.
- Eukaryotes - unicellular, mutlicellular, mycellium, hyphae, chitin, septa.
- Ascomycetes - truffles, fruit molds, lichens, some yeasts.
- Basidiomcetes - mushrooms, some yeasts.
- Zygomycetes - bread molds, mycorrhizae.
- Domain Archaea - prokaryotes, methanogens, halophile, thermophiles.
- Domain Bacteria - peptidoglycan, no introns, differnet amino acid sequence.
- Kingdom Archaezoa - protist, no mitochondria, flagella, two nuclei, Giardia.
- Kingdom Alveolata - protist, alveoli, paramecium.
- Kingdom Stremenopila - hair like flagella, diatoms.
- Kingdom Fungi - mushrooms, yeasts, molds.
Microbial Indentification Lesson Plans
- Culture Media - TSP broth, blood agar, selective media, differential media, differential media, enriched media.
- Staining - basic dyes, negative stain, gram stain, acid fast stain.
- Microscopy - bright field microscope, dark field microscope, phase contrast microscope, transmission electron microscope, scanning election microscope.
History of Microbiology Lesson Plans
- Robert Hooke - describe cells.
- Anton van Leeuwenhoek - giardia, animalcules.
- Louis Pasteur - germ theory, immunization.
- Robert Koch - Koch's postulates.
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